May 21, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

OK, WOW! I know its been a very long time since I've updated this life has been crazy to say the least. I've been leaning on my faith and trust in God to get me through some serious issues at work....issues that most people wouldn't even believe if I told them. Brian's 15yr old dog died, he got hurt at work and had to have serious shoulder surgery...and we finally had our baby shower!

My appointments have been very uneventfull (YAY!), so that is good and Landon seems to be doing very well in there! I'm thinking he's in there for the long haul now!

Whew, my body is hurting! I've gained 39lbs (YIKES) and, according to Brian's daily count-down I still have 38 more days to I'm sure I'll hit the 40lb mark very soon :( I guess I have a lot of work to do after Landon makes his grand entrance! I've never worked out to lose weight before, so that will be very challenging I'm sure. I'll just be happy to work out again...I hardly consider walking to the bathroom a workout...but sadly it is now!

I just wanted to thank my mom, Kim, Kathy, & Carrie for all their work putting my shower together... I REALLY appreciate it, the shower was AWESOME and Landon got everything he needed, and more! I will fill you in on my shower in the next blog, thank you Nell for taking the pictures...I can't wait to see them! :)