July 26, 2008

1 month

Here is Landon's 4 week photo in his baseball outfit that his Papaw Tom bought him! :)

July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Landon!

Friday, June 20, 2008 - The first day of summer, the longest day of the year...and by FAR the longest day of my life! Landon finally graced us with his presence at 11:58pm, and I am sad to announce that I missed the special moment I had been waiting on for 9 months! :(

I've been trying to write my labor story for 5 weeks now, but honestly I would just rather not relive a lot of what happened...so to sum up a very long story: I was in labor for 22 hours. 12 hours after my water broke I developed a fever that caused Landon's heartbeat to jump up to 210bpm. My contractions were as strong as they could medically induce but I wasn't progressing past a 3-4, and Landon wasn't moving down. (He was at a zero station the entire time). Dr. Atkins came in around 11pm and checked me. I had not progressed for over 8 hours and she was worried that I was developing an infection that could pass on to Landon. So after all that work I ended up having a c-section.

They weren't able to give me the proper anesthesia for reasons I am still confused about, and I never got completely numb...some areas weren't numb at all! I felt her cutting me (no really) and it was the most excrutiating pain I've ever experienced. I couldn't even scream it hurt so bad. Long story short, I was knocked out half-way through the surgery. I remember moving my mouth trying to tell them not to knock me out but I didn't think the words were coming out. Brian later reassured me that everyone in that room heard me because I was yelling, "Don't put me out, don't put me out...I'm not going out!" LOL...

So, I missed it. I missed everything...the Dr. taking him out, Landon's first cry, Brian's reaction, our bonding moment...the whole thing. I am still bitter about it and probably always will be, but now I finally get to hold my little man in my arms!

Landon weighed 7lbs 13.5oz, and was 20.5" long! Everyone was suprised at how big he was...except me...I just knew he was at least 7 1/2 lbs, so I was pretty close! Dr. Atkins said there was no way he was coming out the natural way. My pelvis was too small and it wasn't spreading and the cord was wrapped around Landon's neck twice.

When I saw Landon for the first time it was so amazing! He was so tiny and precious. He made the cutest sounds and looked just like I did when I was born. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, gigantic feet and he looked like he just got out of a tanning bed (that part isn't from me!) Dr. Atkins came in the next morning and appologized for the entire ordeal, and ensured me that next time (ha!) we'll just schedule a c-section ahead of time and I'll get the proper drugs for the surgery.