September 13, 2008

Back to work :(

OMG, I miss my baby so much! Today is my first day back at work, and Landon turned 3 months old. The last two weeks have been extremely stressful trying to get moved in to our new house and acclimated to a whole new schedule. I haven't been able to get on the internet because we don't have it at our house here is the latest on the Blue family:

Landon had his 2 month doctor appointment two weeks ago and he is measuring a whopping 24" and 11 lbs 10oz. He is in the 90th percentile for height and 50% for weight. You wouldn't know it by looking at me, but I came from the land of the giants and I think Landon got my family genes.

Everything looked great and the doctor seems to think he is going to keep those beautiful blue eyes of his! They gave him 5 shots...yes 5...can you believe that???? I couldn't bear to watch them torture my son so I left the room and Brian held him. I have debated and debated over the do/don't vaccinate your child issue, and ulitmately I decided that I just don't have enough evidence to fight the I just gave in and went with the doctors recommendation. Landon cried in pain ALL DAY LONG and then passed out for about 2 days...seriously. Poor little man, I felt terrible!

Landon is growing up sooo fast! He has started batting at his toys & reaches for things. He sits by himself in his bumbo chair, but he doesn't like to entertain himself, he needs an audience. There isn't much that keeps his attention for very long...but he does love our morning "talks." (Which I missed this morning very much!) His smile melts my heart and I love to hear his cute baby voice.

Brian went back to work yesterday after being released from injury leave. (Good timing huh?) We have had the best 3-4 months of our lives together and I will miss our family time so much! I now understand the whole stay-at-home-mom-thing, and if I could I would do it in a heartbeat! I work day shift and Brian works nights so Landon will not need daycare. My mom (Grams) is going to watch Landon on Sundays so Brian can work late. I am excited that Landon will get to spend time with her every week! Brian and I have opposite days off, so we are trusting God to keep our family close and that we will be able to have a day off together again soon.