December 18, 2007

Baby's Heartbeat!

OMG! We had my 3 month appointment yesterday, and Brian and I got to hear our baby for the very first time! It was soooo neat! The heartbeat was 175bpm and very strong! The nurse told me to let her know when we find out the sex, because she is betting on a girl! I guess the Old Wives Tale is that a fast heartbeat (above 140) means your having a, I guess we'll just have to wait and see! The nurse was narrating every sound for us, and I had my phone in my pocket and the doppler picked up my phone ringing before it actually was really funny, cause we were listening so intently "The slow heartbeat is yours...the fast heartbeat is baby's, the scratchy sound is baby moving around......ummmmmmmm......and that is baby calling Tokyo!" I didn't get the joke until I heard my phone actually it was pretty funny! (Had to be there!) Brian just kept talking about how amazing it was really sweet. To tell the truth I was just relieved to hear anything, I guess that's the worry-wart in me!

Our next appointment is January 14th, they will be taking my blood to be testing for birth defects like downs-syndrome and 4 other things that I can't remember...not too exciting, but maybe they will let me hear the baby again, I LOVED that! :)

December 8, 2007

Week 11

Well, I am 11 weeks pregnant today, and unfortunately I am still having terrible morning sickness. I thought it had subsidded a little bit since I wasn't throwing up so much...but the last couple of days have thrown me for a loop! Soooo sick, couldn't stop throwing up, I know gross...I wish I could help it! I can probably count the number of times I have been sick in my whole life on one hand, so this is just unnatural for me. I don't understand. I've taken care of my body, I work out and I eat fairly why am I having to go through this when some women feel great during pregnancy? I pray everday to just feel "normal" again. Sorry I haven't updated this very often, but I'm not usually such a negative person, and if I posted much more, this is about all you would get! My next appointment is December 17th, and we get to hear the that's cool.