January 22, 2008


So...I swear I grew a belly over-night! Seriously, I went to bed and woke up...and there it was...my baby-bump! I really kept thinking that I should get a second opinion or something, but now I know I am pregnant for sure! I put on my clothes to go to work, and my pants wouldn't button...so I looped a couple of rubber bands around the buttons (new trick), and wore a long sweater to cover up the gap, LOL!

Brian took me shopping for maternity clothes last night, because I had court today and NOTHING in my closet fit! It was a bit discouraging (although inevitable). I have never put something on from my closet that didn't fit me anymore....weird. As much as I HATE shopping, I actually LOVED it! I wanted everything in the store. I was in one store for 2 hours and bought a TON of stuff! Brian was a trooper I must add...he kept the grumbles to a minimum and didn't complain at all when the lady rang up our bill!

Other than that, there isn't much news...I will leave out the throwing-up part this time, since it OBVIOUSLY isn't over with :( I did give myself two black eyes (I guess from busted blood vessels?) I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I forgot to take my makeup off the night before....nope...I went to the store with Brian that night, and boy did he get some crazy looks. He made me put my sunglasses on! ha ha ha...

GENDER ULTRASOUND coming on Valentines DAY....can't wait! :)

January 10, 2008

Week 15!

This has been a very roller-coaster week, but over-all things are looking better! I began the week throwing up uncontrollably, like always and my eyes have started swelling up and are red. I racked my brain trying to figure this out and I realized that I only get sick when I am at home. We have been staying with Brian's folks while we are building our house, and between all of us there are 10 cats....yes 10! Not only that, we have had 3 litters of kittens come and go, and the male/female combination has been TERRIBLE. The males are spraying everywhere, and the smell makes me sick...LITERALLY. So sick I couldn't take it anymore, so I moved in with my mom temporarily to see if that is what is causing me to be so sick for this long.

GOOD NEWS! I have been staying with my mom for 6 days now...and I haven't thrown up one time...not even a gag...not ONE! I kept telling Brian I thought the cats were making me sick, but now I am sure of it. Brian is doing everything in his power to "fix" the problem....cats neutered/spayed, new carpet, etc...it is a work in progress and hopefully it will fix the problem, otherwise I am not sure what we are going to do.

MORE GOOD NEWS: About two days ago I started feeling these little bubbles/pokes low in my abdomen. In the back of my head I thought there is no WAY it is the baby, it is sooo early! But I couldn't figure out what else it would be. I got my weekly email from baby-gaga and it said that some women feel their baby move during this week, and most feel it by week 17! I felt it all day yesterday, usually after I move or laugh or something. HOW EXCITING!