June 19, 2008

It's time! :)

Well, tonight is the night! I will be checking in the hospital at 10pm to be induced. As of Monday I had no real major changes to report, Dr. Atkins doesn't want to keep Landon in there much longer because my low fluid issues can cause my uterus to become infected and then be transferred to the baby. I will be given two pills when I arrive to "ripen my cervix," and I am supposedly going to be able to sleep through the night. (Yeah, right!) They will start the Pitocin to induce labor early in the morning and we are expecting Landon to be here sometime in the afternoon...give or take a few hours.

I am super nervous! Brian has really been the best husband anyone could ever ask for during the last 9 months and if you could see the excitement in his face it would melt your heart! I hope the moment is as great as everyone keeps telling me it will be...keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and I will update you ASAP! :)


The LaBouffs said...

Yay! We'll be praying! Can't wait to see that sweet little face!

MapmakerJenny said...

Dani... Landon looks just like you when you were born. However, I do see a bit of Brian in there too. You guys rock!!!1 Congrats!!!