November 20, 2007

My Little Peanut

Ok, so yesterday I had my first sonogram! Yeah, I can see my little peanut on the screen, but it didn't look like much! I can't believe that little thing has been sucking all the life out of me! Everything went well, and so far everything looks good. I am debating wether Brian is allowed to go next time, he told Dr. Atkins that all I was eating was chips and hot sauce...and she freaked out. I told her to be glad I was eating anything at all as sick as I have been! That wasn't good enough for either of them, apparently I am supposed to be eating more protein...the equivalent of 3 chicken breasts a day!!! What? I couldn't eat that much if I tried... arg!

Brian is driving me crazy with the health nut stuff. Usually I eat very good and all I drink is water! NOTHING tastes good, nothing sounds good, and if it comes back up, what does it matter anyway...geez! I will say that Brian has been very interested in everything that goes on. I get an email every week explaining what is going on inside of me, and how big the baby is getting, etc...Brian has read every word of it...and I swear I haven't seen him read anything since I've met him! I think it is cute! :)

November 16, 2007

1st Appointment

Well, I decided to use another OBGyn, that a friend found for me. The only reason I agreed to try her is because they could get me into the office an entire day early! I was sooo sick, all I wanted was some relief and I didn't care who gave it to me. first official OB appointment was Tuesday, November 6th and pretty much all they did was take blood, I peed in a cup, and they updated my medical history.

It was a pretty uneventful visit, but they gave me 25mg Phenergen suppositories that did absolutely nothing for me. I found myself throwing up my guts and sleeping nights on the bathroom floor. I called and begged for something stronger, so my nurse (who is really nice) faxed over a prescription for Zofran. Its a 8mg tablet that disentigrates on my tongue, and works almost immediately. It has been my saving grace! So far I haven't thrown up since I've been taking it, which is good because I missed an entire week of work. I really haven't even felt nauseous until today. I feel terrible right now, but I am hoping it is because I took my last dose 3 hours late! I am crossing my fingers and praying to God that I can do this. I am a horrible sick person! Brian has been so sweet and very understanding, I feel bad for being so sick all the time I know it must be miserable for him too. :(

Anyway, they did confirm I was 6 weeks pregnant. (8 weeks tomorrow), and that the estimated due date is set for June 28, 2008! My next appointment is Monday, November 19th, and if I don't feel too terrible I will update you guys! Thanks for listening to me whine.... :(

November 5, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 2 year wedding anniversary! It would be much happier if I felt good, but I just don't. I have been so nauseous I can hardly function. I have been fighting it for about a week, thinking I would be one of those women who never gets morning sickness...but apparently I am not so lucky! :(

My ObGyn can't see me until Wednesday, so I checked into a Care Now clinic yesterday (what a joke), and after throwing a fit in the office the finally agreed to give me something. The medication doesn't work a full 8 hours, but it is good enough to get me 'til Wednesday I guess.

I was trying to wait as long as possible to tell my Sgt. because I was afraid to be put on the dreaded "light duty," but I couldn't help it, I was pretty much worthless at work, and I surely didn't want anyone thinking that is the norm for me. It sucks because I am the "rookie" in my unit and now I'm pregnant. I am such a disappointment to everyone I am sure. I don't know what the next step is, my Sgt told me to take the rest of the week off, and not to worry about it...but you know me, that's all I can think about.

Happy anniversary to us...