November 16, 2007

1st Appointment

Well, I decided to use another OBGyn, that a friend found for me. The only reason I agreed to try her is because they could get me into the office an entire day early! I was sooo sick, all I wanted was some relief and I didn't care who gave it to me. first official OB appointment was Tuesday, November 6th and pretty much all they did was take blood, I peed in a cup, and they updated my medical history.

It was a pretty uneventful visit, but they gave me 25mg Phenergen suppositories that did absolutely nothing for me. I found myself throwing up my guts and sleeping nights on the bathroom floor. I called and begged for something stronger, so my nurse (who is really nice) faxed over a prescription for Zofran. Its a 8mg tablet that disentigrates on my tongue, and works almost immediately. It has been my saving grace! So far I haven't thrown up since I've been taking it, which is good because I missed an entire week of work. I really haven't even felt nauseous until today. I feel terrible right now, but I am hoping it is because I took my last dose 3 hours late! I am crossing my fingers and praying to God that I can do this. I am a horrible sick person! Brian has been so sweet and very understanding, I feel bad for being so sick all the time I know it must be miserable for him too. :(

Anyway, they did confirm I was 6 weeks pregnant. (8 weeks tomorrow), and that the estimated due date is set for June 28, 2008! My next appointment is Monday, November 19th, and if I don't feel too terrible I will update you guys! Thanks for listening to me whine.... :(


The LaBouffs said...

I totally know about the throwing up and feeling sick to my stomach! With Noah, I was like that....I literally could not keep anything down! I tried of the only things that helped me was eating dry cereal. Just kmow that this part (the sick part) will be over with before you know it. Just hang in is DEFINITLY worth it!! I promise...

Oh yeah, get used to peeing in a cup. You get to do that every time!

MapmakerJenny said...

I know it doesn't help to say this...but it really gets better. Seriously the only thing that kept me from being sick was chocolate milk and a twinkie.....ummmm every morning on my way to work.
Also, maybe you can try this ... the doctor used to recommend this to the kids when they would throw up: take a teaspoon of peach syrup you get from canned peaches. Take another teaspoon and hour or so later. I swear it worked on the kids. I don't know about pregnant mothers, but it sure would be worth the try.