November 20, 2007

My Little Peanut

Ok, so yesterday I had my first sonogram! Yeah, I can see my little peanut on the screen, but it didn't look like much! I can't believe that little thing has been sucking all the life out of me! Everything went well, and so far everything looks good. I am debating wether Brian is allowed to go next time, he told Dr. Atkins that all I was eating was chips and hot sauce...and she freaked out. I told her to be glad I was eating anything at all as sick as I have been! That wasn't good enough for either of them, apparently I am supposed to be eating more protein...the equivalent of 3 chicken breasts a day!!! What? I couldn't eat that much if I tried... arg!

Brian is driving me crazy with the health nut stuff. Usually I eat very good and all I drink is water! NOTHING tastes good, nothing sounds good, and if it comes back up, what does it matter anyway...geez! I will say that Brian has been very interested in everything that goes on. I get an email every week explaining what is going on inside of me, and how big the baby is getting, etc...Brian has read every word of it...and I swear I haven't seen him read anything since I've met him! I think it is cute! :)


The LaBouffs said...

So cute! Hi, little baby! Isn't it just so surreal?! I can't say enough how excited I am for you! You are going to be a great momma!

MapmakerJenny said...

Yay for Little Peanut!!!!

I glad you are eating ANYTHING. You could sit down an eat a gallon of ice cream like I did when I was pregnant with Jason.