March 19, 2008

Good News....FINALLY!

Our doctor visit on Monday went very well! I have finally beat the NEVER-ENDING cough/cold I had that was making my nausea unbearable. I would cough so hard it would make me throw that really helps the issue some! My amniotic fluid level rose all the way up to 16oz, which puts me in a very normal range! The best news of all is that they bumped me off the "high-risk" level and I don't have to go to the high-risk clinic anymore! whooohooo!

We got to see Landon too, and he has gained a lot of baby fat...10oz of it! He was much bigger than he was last time, and he now weighs 1pound 10oz! (Needless to say, I gained 7lbs in 2 weeks...YIKES! The sono-tech wasn't near as good as the last one that we had, and all of the photos are too blurry to make out, so ya'll will have to wait a month for us to get our last 4D pictures/video...I can't wait!

The Fort Worth Police Officer Association is hosting my baby shower on Sunday, May 4th so that is exciting. Kathy and my mom will be planning everything, so hopefully that will keep me from stressing out! :)


MapmakerJenny said...

Oh what a fun celebration!

The LaBouffs said...

Yay! Glad to hear you are not 'high risk' anymore and are not getting sick anymore. I definitely know the feeling. I've been stuggling with the same thing this go around...I think it's just boys that make us sick! ha ha ha