February 21, 2008

Good News!

Look at those lips!

Snuggle Bunny!

Now you see the hand...

...and now you don't!

Monday, I went to see a doctor at the high-risk ob/gyn, and they did tests and an EXTENSIVE sonogram of the baby and me. ALL of his organs are working properly, the placenta is supplying a sufficient amount of blood, he is perfectly formed...on top of all of that my amniotic fluid level rose from 8oz to 10oz. and there is no more blood in my urine! They said normal range is 10-25oz. and I am obviously on the low end of normal, but it is good enough that I don't have to lay in bed for now.

I still have to drink a gallon of water a day (which is very hard by the way) and they believe that the amniotic level was too low because I have been so dehydrated throughout the pregnancy. I am keeping my food down, and things are looking much betteer! :) I will be going back every two weeks so they can monitor my fluid level. If it doesn't continue to rise then I will find myself back in bed, so BOTTOMS UP!

On a side note...I was instructed to do NO activity that causes my heart rate to rise, and that now doctors believe that exercise during pregnancy may cause more harm than health! My Dr. said that reports are coming back that women who exercise have harder labors! Good grief, doesn't that contradict everything you have ever heard?! I don't know what to think about that...but I know for me to stay hydrated its probably a good idea...so that is what I intend to do!

We got a very special 4D/3D peek at our baby boy...can you believe technology now? Apparently we get to see him 3D every 2 weeks! YAY! He was soooooo cute, even tho he's all bones now...we think he is perfect! He was moving all around, and sticking out his tongue. He kept snuggling up to the placenta, and digging his hand into it like Brian does in the bedsheets (drives me nuts!)...it was hillarious! I swear he already has Brian lips, cause they sure aren't mine! :) Oh...Brian told everyone to check out his biceps! LOL...he's a dork! Hope you enjoy them as much as we did!

February 16, 2008

Bed Rest

Well, Friday has come and gone...and I still don't really have any answers as to what is wrong. I met with Dr Atkins and she is concerned because the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is low. Unfortunately, the urinalysis hasn't come back yet either, and there is still blood in my urine. It isn't very common to have low amniotic fluid at 20 weeks, and she went over several things that could be causing it. Since the test results aren't back yet, she sent me to the hospital for some more testing. It doesn't appear that I have kidney stones, which is good. I am hoping it is just that I have been sick for so long that I am just dehydrated. There are many other causes, which I unfortunately looked up some of them online...I won't share them, because I am praying and hopefull that it is just due to my illness.

They sent me home late afternoon, and told me to stay on bed rest until I can get into the high-risk doctor on Monday...so here I am. I should know more on Tuesday when I return to Dr. Atkins. She told me not to worry (yeah right) and that the bed rest is mostly precautionary. I am supposed to drink a gallon of water a day, and I was given an antibiotic that should help make me better. We are hoping by Monday, I will be feeling better and that the fluid will rise by the time I go to the high-risk center. I will fill you in when I know more. Please keep baby Blue in your prayers...I just want everything to be OK.

Oh...he's still kicking like a champ and his heart-rate is perfect! :)

February 14, 2008

It's a.... BOY!

...and I am completely shocked! I thought for sure it was a girl! There is no question about it, he is most definitely a BOY! WOW...I'm going to have a SON...wierd. Brian was soooo excited, I can't even tell you how PROUD he is...and I am so happy that we FINALLY know! Now we can start planning, and buying fun boy stuff! :)

February 13, 2008

What's next?

Today was a very scarey day. I went to the bathroom at work and there was blood in my urine...and a LOT of it! I wasn't 100% sure where it was coming from and it freaked me out. I called Dr. Adkins and they got me in right away. Brian met me there and I was happy that he came because I was extremely nervous and he helped ease the anxiety. They took cultures and a urine sample from me. When I peed in the cup it was dark red, and I just started to cry...what is wrong with me?!

I don't know much more than that as of now. They did say that there was no blood in the birth canal, and the baby was doing just fine with a heartbeat of 156bpm. That was a relief. I am going back tomorrow for my gender sonogram and while I am there they will also do a sonogram of my kidneys to check for kidney stones. The cultures won't come back until Friday, so I will go back Friday morning to get the results. Depending on what is causing the bleeding, I may be sent to a specialist Friday afternoon.

We are very excited to find out the sex tomorrow, but at the same time I am still worried about what's wrong with me. I feel like I've done something wrong and it is effecting my baby.

February 1, 2008

Good Grief!

So, I was eating lunch the other day and I bit into something really hard! I spit out my food, and then I realized that half of my molar was missing...it was my tooth! On top of that I had a blister on my gums near that same tooth. I called the dentist and they got me in later that day. I have an abcessed tooth and it is seeping into my gums. I've already had a root canal on that tooth, so I was suprised that it could be abcessed again. I was informed that there is nothing they can do for me because I am pregnant! So I obviously have to live with half a crown for another 4-5 months. They gave me some antibiotics, but the abcess isn't clearing up yet! ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG.... if it's not one thing, its another!

Good news is I am feeling a lot better these days...still nausious but that beats sleeping near the toilet!