February 16, 2008

Bed Rest

Well, Friday has come and gone...and I still don't really have any answers as to what is wrong. I met with Dr Atkins and she is concerned because the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is low. Unfortunately, the urinalysis hasn't come back yet either, and there is still blood in my urine. It isn't very common to have low amniotic fluid at 20 weeks, and she went over several things that could be causing it. Since the test results aren't back yet, she sent me to the hospital for some more testing. It doesn't appear that I have kidney stones, which is good. I am hoping it is just that I have been sick for so long that I am just dehydrated. There are many other causes, which I unfortunately looked up some of them online...I won't share them, because I am praying and hopefull that it is just due to my illness.

They sent me home late afternoon, and told me to stay on bed rest until I can get into the high-risk doctor on Monday...so here I am. I should know more on Tuesday when I return to Dr. Atkins. She told me not to worry (yeah right) and that the bed rest is mostly precautionary. I am supposed to drink a gallon of water a day, and I was given an antibiotic that should help make me better. We are hoping by Monday, I will be feeling better and that the fluid will rise by the time I go to the high-risk center. I will fill you in when I know more. Please keep baby Blue in your prayers...I just want everything to be OK.

Oh...he's still kicking like a champ and his heart-rate is perfect! :)


MapmakerJenny said...

Baby Blue Boy is a healthy baby who will be A-OK...and so will you.
Drink that water and stop looking online for the answers. I know you can't help it. But it won't do you any good and will only cause stress on you and the baby.
I love you very much and have been praying for you both. So has Memaw, Jason and Rebekah.
Take care of yourself.

The LaBouffs said...

Listen to your Aunt Jenny!! ha ha
Seriously, sometimes I wish that we didn't have the capability to look online and research things like this because it could be ANYTHING ...or nothing, for that matter. It does just stress you out and make you think the worst! Just relax as much as possible and you'll have answers soon! Keep us updated!