February 21, 2008

Good News!

Look at those lips!

Snuggle Bunny!

Now you see the hand...

...and now you don't!

Monday, I went to see a doctor at the high-risk ob/gyn, and they did tests and an EXTENSIVE sonogram of the baby and me. ALL of his organs are working properly, the placenta is supplying a sufficient amount of blood, he is perfectly formed...on top of all of that my amniotic fluid level rose from 8oz to 10oz. and there is no more blood in my urine! They said normal range is 10-25oz. and I am obviously on the low end of normal, but it is good enough that I don't have to lay in bed for now.

I still have to drink a gallon of water a day (which is very hard by the way) and they believe that the amniotic level was too low because I have been so dehydrated throughout the pregnancy. I am keeping my food down, and things are looking much betteer! :) I will be going back every two weeks so they can monitor my fluid level. If it doesn't continue to rise then I will find myself back in bed, so BOTTOMS UP!

On a side note...I was instructed to do NO activity that causes my heart rate to rise, and that now doctors believe that exercise during pregnancy may cause more harm than health! My Dr. said that reports are coming back that women who exercise have harder labors! Good grief, doesn't that contradict everything you have ever heard?! I don't know what to think about that...but I know for me to stay hydrated its probably a good idea...so that is what I intend to do!

We got a very special 4D/3D peek at our baby boy...can you believe technology now? Apparently we get to see him 3D every 2 weeks! YAY! He was soooooo cute, even tho he's all bones now...we think he is perfect! He was moving all around, and sticking out his tongue. He kept snuggling up to the placenta, and digging his hand into it like Brian does in the bedsheets (drives me nuts!)...it was hillarious! I swear he already has Brian lips, cause they sure aren't mine! :) Oh...Brian told everyone to check out his biceps! LOL...he's a dork! Hope you enjoy them as much as we did!


The LaBouffs said...

Aren't those the best? I LOVE the pics! You're right...a gallon a day is ALOT...not to mention having to pee every 2 minutes as it is!!! You can do it though! Guys are so proud of their little boys--it's so cute!

MapmakerJenny said...

Those are some incredible photos. WoW how times have changed since I had my babies.

I noticed the biceps and I thought....woohoooo he looks just like his daddy! lol

He is so adorable and I know you guys are so proud. I am...those pics made me cry.
Bottoms up to a healthy baby boy!
...and by the way...I didn't lift a finger to excercise during my pregnancy and labor was still.... ummm "labor".

Brian, Dani, Landon, & Kayden said...

Yes...the peeing thing is TERRIBLE!

....auntie, did they not have epidurals back then either? LOL... sign me up for that!

MapmakerJenny said...

We had epidurals back then. I just didn't have one. I had 3 C-Sections. First one was because Jason was upside down. Second one was from a tubal pregnancy, and the third was...because I had 10 hours of labor with Jason and didn't think I could do that again. (yes, I'm probably the biggest baby when it comes to pain...I'd rather have my tummy sliced open than go through labor again. uhhh not to scare you or anything) LOL Love ya! ::smooch::