February 13, 2008

What's next?

Today was a very scarey day. I went to the bathroom at work and there was blood in my urine...and a LOT of it! I wasn't 100% sure where it was coming from and it freaked me out. I called Dr. Adkins and they got me in right away. Brian met me there and I was happy that he came because I was extremely nervous and he helped ease the anxiety. They took cultures and a urine sample from me. When I peed in the cup it was dark red, and I just started to cry...what is wrong with me?!

I don't know much more than that as of now. They did say that there was no blood in the birth canal, and the baby was doing just fine with a heartbeat of 156bpm. That was a relief. I am going back tomorrow for my gender sonogram and while I am there they will also do a sonogram of my kidneys to check for kidney stones. The cultures won't come back until Friday, so I will go back Friday morning to get the results. Depending on what is causing the bleeding, I may be sent to a specialist Friday afternoon.

We are very excited to find out the sex tomorrow, but at the same time I am still worried about what's wrong with me. I feel like I've done something wrong and it is effecting my baby.


The LaBouffs said...

Wow! That IS scary!! We'll be praying for you and the baby that you will be healthy and there will be nothing wrong!

MapmakerJenny said...

We are praying for you and the baby!!!