April 8, 2008

Early delivery?

Well, I had another dr. appointment yesterday...and it was a pretty long one at that! Dr. Atkins did her normal routine and then gave me an internal test that is supposed to detect a hormone that preceeds the onset of labor. She said she was concerned with all of the complications that I have had throughout the pregnancy, that my body may be trying to go in to labor too soon. She said it is nothing to worry about right now, and that there are plenty of measures to take to keep Landon in as long as possible. My cervex is still closed, which is good. She did inform us that she doesn't expect me to carry to full term, but that if I could make it to the first week in June, then she would be happy. (37weeks)

It was a little alarming to hear that, but she reassured me that I have passed the survival milestone, which is good...I guess. Landon is still full-breech (of course!) and obviously if he doesn't turn around in the next few weeks the chances he will stay breech are high...and we all know what that means! He has been very active today though...so maybe his little butt is turning around! :)

Anyway, she sent off for another urine culture because of the bleeding...so I will update ya'll with the test results when they come in! :) If the hormone test is positive I will find myself back on bed rest. Ho hum...

April 5, 2008

The Nursery

Here it is! Brian worked so hard on it (I'll have to post those pics too, but they are in another camera!) My mom says that we're not having a baby...we are having a "little man!" I guess Landon's room isn't too traditional huh? LOL, I can't help it..that is what I like! Brian's parents gave us thier old rocker and I can't decide if I want to recover it or not...it doesn't clash and it is turning out to be another time consuming task! Comments and suggestions are welcome! :) I'm getting super excited! :)

April 2, 2008

3D Ultrasound!

Oh...I almost forgot! A friend of mine's wife works at an office that does 3D & 4D sonograms, so as a gift to us she gave us a free video/pictures of Landon! Needless to say he wasn't very cooperative. His hands were in his face the entire time, and when she tried to move him around, he just pulled his feet up in front of his face too! However, we did get one pretty good picture of his little fat face! He is 27 weeks in the photo, and obviously a lot more plump than he was at 20 weeks!

We were able to see that Landon is still breech, and his butt is sitting right ontop of my bladder, maybe that is why I'm having so many bladder issues? I haven't had anything to drink but water and apple juice in the last 8 weeks....so I've decided that boy needs to get turned around and start kicking on another part of my body, my poor bladder is taking quite the beating! LOL...


Ok...I am finally in the last trimester of my pregnancy! YIKES...it is creeping up and I find myself getting very anxious! So many things to do, so little time! Just as soon as the Dr. told me I was no longer high risk, I began urinating blood again, but this time it is blood clots, and I am once again very worried! It always starts on the weekend, so I have to call and talk to the on-call doctor. (For me that always seems to be the one doctor who speaks broken english...sheesh!) I wouldn't have been so worried, except that for a period of about 4-5 hours I was in a LOT of pain. I don't know how to describe it other than like very strong cramps and pressure on my lower abdomen. My stomach would get real hard at times and my back was KILLING me... I don't know what contractions feel like, but if that was a small taste of them (Braxton Hicks maybe? I dunno....)then just sign me up for the epidural now! Anyway, I got in the tub for about an hour and much to my relief it went away long enough for me to get comfortable in the bed and I went to sleep. Its happened one other time, but not near as bad. I swear I thought I was in early labor or something. Very scary.

The Dr. just told me to stay in bed until the blood cleared up for over 24 hours...so I did, and here I am. It sucked. Brian was putting together the crib & the nursery and all I wanted to do was be a part of it, but he kept snapping at me to get in the bed. Hmmmph!