April 8, 2008

Early delivery?

Well, I had another dr. appointment yesterday...and it was a pretty long one at that! Dr. Atkins did her normal routine and then gave me an internal test that is supposed to detect a hormone that preceeds the onset of labor. She said she was concerned with all of the complications that I have had throughout the pregnancy, that my body may be trying to go in to labor too soon. She said it is nothing to worry about right now, and that there are plenty of measures to take to keep Landon in as long as possible. My cervex is still closed, which is good. She did inform us that she doesn't expect me to carry to full term, but that if I could make it to the first week in June, then she would be happy. (37weeks)

It was a little alarming to hear that, but she reassured me that I have passed the survival milestone, which is good...I guess. Landon is still full-breech (of course!) and obviously if he doesn't turn around in the next few weeks the chances he will stay breech are high...and we all know what that means! He has been very active today though...so maybe his little butt is turning around! :)

Anyway, she sent off for another urine culture because of the bleeding...so I will update ya'll with the test results when they come in! :) If the hormone test is positive I will find myself back on bed rest. Ho hum...


MapmakerJenny said...

I will for SURE keep you and Landon in my prayers today! That little rascal is one busy little guy.
Maybe you can try and massage him and help him turn around a bit.
I feel for you, having had:
3 c-sections, 1 tubal pregnancy, tubal ligation, and a hysterctomy.

Unlike your dear Mother, childbirthing did not come easy for me, so I know how tough it can be.

The most important thing to keep in mind is the safety of you and Landon both. Let's keep him inside for as long as we can.
On a brighter note...a lot of times those babies turn around at the last minute.

Keep positive and please know I love you very much!


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The LaBouffs said...

Wow...this pregnancy definitely has not been easy for you, huh? well, jason and i are praying for you and little landon. you need to take it easy and try and keep landon in as long as possible (even tho I KNOW you're ready for all of this to be over with). I can PROMISE you that it is ALL worth it and soon, when you look at Landon, all of this mess just melts away and you will be so in love with him!! When I was pregnant with Noah, it was so hard to understand WHY IN THE WORLD anyone would voluntarily put themselves through all of this for 9 months!! Of course, look at me now....on baby #3..this is coming from someone who doesn't necessarily enjoy being pregnant, but the result is MORE than worth it! Hang in there!

MapmakerJenny said...

I prayed for you today! Good things are just around the corner!

MapmakerJenny said...

It's time for a new blog update!!!
Keep us posted on how you're doing.

Love ya!