December 18, 2007

Baby's Heartbeat!

OMG! We had my 3 month appointment yesterday, and Brian and I got to hear our baby for the very first time! It was soooo neat! The heartbeat was 175bpm and very strong! The nurse told me to let her know when we find out the sex, because she is betting on a girl! I guess the Old Wives Tale is that a fast heartbeat (above 140) means your having a, I guess we'll just have to wait and see! The nurse was narrating every sound for us, and I had my phone in my pocket and the doppler picked up my phone ringing before it actually was really funny, cause we were listening so intently "The slow heartbeat is yours...the fast heartbeat is baby's, the scratchy sound is baby moving around......ummmmmmmm......and that is baby calling Tokyo!" I didn't get the joke until I heard my phone actually it was pretty funny! (Had to be there!) Brian just kept talking about how amazing it was really sweet. To tell the truth I was just relieved to hear anything, I guess that's the worry-wart in me!

Our next appointment is January 14th, they will be taking my blood to be testing for birth defects like downs-syndrome and 4 other things that I can't remember...not too exciting, but maybe they will let me hear the baby again, I LOVED that! :)

December 8, 2007

Week 11

Well, I am 11 weeks pregnant today, and unfortunately I am still having terrible morning sickness. I thought it had subsidded a little bit since I wasn't throwing up so much...but the last couple of days have thrown me for a loop! Soooo sick, couldn't stop throwing up, I know gross...I wish I could help it! I can probably count the number of times I have been sick in my whole life on one hand, so this is just unnatural for me. I don't understand. I've taken care of my body, I work out and I eat fairly why am I having to go through this when some women feel great during pregnancy? I pray everday to just feel "normal" again. Sorry I haven't updated this very often, but I'm not usually such a negative person, and if I posted much more, this is about all you would get! My next appointment is December 17th, and we get to hear the that's cool.

November 20, 2007

My Little Peanut

Ok, so yesterday I had my first sonogram! Yeah, I can see my little peanut on the screen, but it didn't look like much! I can't believe that little thing has been sucking all the life out of me! Everything went well, and so far everything looks good. I am debating wether Brian is allowed to go next time, he told Dr. Atkins that all I was eating was chips and hot sauce...and she freaked out. I told her to be glad I was eating anything at all as sick as I have been! That wasn't good enough for either of them, apparently I am supposed to be eating more protein...the equivalent of 3 chicken breasts a day!!! What? I couldn't eat that much if I tried... arg!

Brian is driving me crazy with the health nut stuff. Usually I eat very good and all I drink is water! NOTHING tastes good, nothing sounds good, and if it comes back up, what does it matter anyway...geez! I will say that Brian has been very interested in everything that goes on. I get an email every week explaining what is going on inside of me, and how big the baby is getting, etc...Brian has read every word of it...and I swear I haven't seen him read anything since I've met him! I think it is cute! :)

November 16, 2007

1st Appointment

Well, I decided to use another OBGyn, that a friend found for me. The only reason I agreed to try her is because they could get me into the office an entire day early! I was sooo sick, all I wanted was some relief and I didn't care who gave it to me. first official OB appointment was Tuesday, November 6th and pretty much all they did was take blood, I peed in a cup, and they updated my medical history.

It was a pretty uneventful visit, but they gave me 25mg Phenergen suppositories that did absolutely nothing for me. I found myself throwing up my guts and sleeping nights on the bathroom floor. I called and begged for something stronger, so my nurse (who is really nice) faxed over a prescription for Zofran. Its a 8mg tablet that disentigrates on my tongue, and works almost immediately. It has been my saving grace! So far I haven't thrown up since I've been taking it, which is good because I missed an entire week of work. I really haven't even felt nauseous until today. I feel terrible right now, but I am hoping it is because I took my last dose 3 hours late! I am crossing my fingers and praying to God that I can do this. I am a horrible sick person! Brian has been so sweet and very understanding, I feel bad for being so sick all the time I know it must be miserable for him too. :(

Anyway, they did confirm I was 6 weeks pregnant. (8 weeks tomorrow), and that the estimated due date is set for June 28, 2008! My next appointment is Monday, November 19th, and if I don't feel too terrible I will update you guys! Thanks for listening to me whine.... :(

November 5, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 2 year wedding anniversary! It would be much happier if I felt good, but I just don't. I have been so nauseous I can hardly function. I have been fighting it for about a week, thinking I would be one of those women who never gets morning sickness...but apparently I am not so lucky! :(

My ObGyn can't see me until Wednesday, so I checked into a Care Now clinic yesterday (what a joke), and after throwing a fit in the office the finally agreed to give me something. The medication doesn't work a full 8 hours, but it is good enough to get me 'til Wednesday I guess.

I was trying to wait as long as possible to tell my Sgt. because I was afraid to be put on the dreaded "light duty," but I couldn't help it, I was pretty much worthless at work, and I surely didn't want anyone thinking that is the norm for me. It sucks because I am the "rookie" in my unit and now I'm pregnant. I am such a disappointment to everyone I am sure. I don't know what the next step is, my Sgt told me to take the rest of the week off, and not to worry about it...but you know me, that's all I can think about.

Happy anniversary to us...

October 23, 2007

We're Having a BABY!

Hello Everyone! Brian and I decided to make our own baby blog space to keep the family and our friends up to date with the newest edition to our family...coming this June!

I found out that I was pregnant Saturday night on October 20, 2007. I had my first instinct that something was different because I was having cramps for the past 5 days, which was completely new to me. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I realize now I should have.

Brian was at work and I was packing for his birthday trip to Shreveport, when I found an old pregnancy test that I had bought a long time ago. So I saw the stick, and I had to pee on it! Ha ha! I immediately got a faint pink line and my mind started thinking of all the reasons why that stick was wrong. The test was old, it was from the $Tree store and only cost $1, the line was to light, etc... so naturally I went and bought the most expensive, one I could find... a $20, fancy digital one...well two. I took it when I got home and within a few seconds it popped up and said "PREGNANT!"

I decided to suprise Brian when we got to Shreveport, so somehow I managed to keep my mouth shut for an entire day! That was the longest trip of my life. When we got settled in the hotel room, I gave Brain a birthday card that said "DADDY TO BE" on the front, and I taped the 1st test in the middle of the card. Because Brian is Brian, he tore open the card, didn't read that front of the card, or what I wrote inside! He just stared at the test for a few seconds and then he realized what it meant...Sheesh that was a long moment of silence! He looked at me and said "Does this mean WE'RE pregnant?" It was a great moment, and he was completely SHOCKED!

I had a whole plan about how to tell the parents, but Brian absolutely could not we called the folks that evening, and broke the news...EVERYONE is so excited! This will be the first grandbaby on both sides of the family so it will be really exciting for our whole family!

My first doctor appointment is November 7th, I can hardly wait! I was so nervous about the cramping (still having it) that I had to call and make sure everything was ok. I was reassured that everything was fine, and that it is completely normal especially with my first pregnancy...I know that nurse was probably laughing at me, but I think I will be nervous until I can see the little peanut for myself!